Portfolio Details
The Turn-Arounds at each end of the Walking Trail
The Walking Trail Loop nearest the house features a lower eleveated planter than the far end. The center of the loop has three trees and various shrubs and plants that Pam chose.
All of the stone we used in creating the Walking Trail came from a rock quarry in Blount County. Pam and I chose slate colored stone. Yes, slate is a color. It is a dark shade of gray with earthy undertones. The color is named after slate rock, which is lighter in color than charcoal, and which often contains touches of red, blue, and brown. As a tertiary color, slate is an equal mix of purple and green pigments.
The Alabama Blue Flagstone and Ashlar Grey stone we utilized on our Walking Trail compliments the Tumbled Alabama Limestone we used constructing our home.

Greg Cook
Personal Blog
Project information
- Category Walking Trail
- Year 2014-2023
- Project date 16 October, 2023
- Project URL alastone.com
- Alabama Wholesale Stone